Thursday, August 18, 2005

8-18 a

I could write for days and still leave out so much, but I’ll try and hit the summary without sounding too “fact reporting.” Not an easy balance.

For those who haven’t cruised or been subjected to the cruise photos of others, each night you return to your cabin to find a different towel animal sculpted on the bed. Another one of those things in life that sounds cheesy and you know it really is, but you get all excited to see who will be hanging out on your bed nevertheless. I think the towel animal of Tuesday was an anteater, now that I’ve discussed it with others. We all thought elephant until we saw Wednesday night’s critter, which clearly was an elephant. Fortunately I took a photo for further retrospection, or else I might still feel unsure about this diagnosis.

Elephant? Anteater? Aardvark?

CLEARLY an elephant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a DOG, not an anteater...

16/9/05 7:18 AM  
Blogger TravelPhotoWriter said...

The anonymous towel animal expert comes to the rescue.
But I think anteater is much more exotic, so I'm gonna stay with that. My world, my rules ha ha

16/9/05 7:22 AM  

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