How Do I Use This Damn Blog Site?!
It's 3 a.m. and I'm supposed to be making a sincere effort to change my time schedule back to here in Arizona, but I am still on Hong Kong time I am afraid. It's 6 pm Sunday there right now. I am feeling very awake, and will have to melatonin myself to sleep in a few minutes. Today I slept until 3:30, uh oh. But hey, it was only 6:30 a.m. in HK!
Funny that when I arrived there in Hong Kong I never did suffer jet lag. Arrival sushi at Dozo, a drink at Le Jardin, and a bit of dancing to 80's music and the Beatles at Insomnia, and I was all hooked in to HK time. I think this trouble to adjust now in AZ is indicative of my strong desire to still be there (but have Rio with me, of course). Not very psychologically complex for a "mensa" girl, but I've gotten rather used to being a psychological emabarassment to myself.