Sunday, July 31, 2005

How Do I Use This Damn Blog Site?!

I am trying to learn the advanced photo posting thing so I can have a profile photo. Oh, the learning curve is hurting... these blog things are supposed to save time in the big picture of life and communication. I assume the return on investment comes later when I'm a pro like Michelle, my blog inspiration. Yes, Michelle, it was delightedly reading through your blog tonight that had me say, "That's it, I am doing it." Welcome to the wonders of the world wide web, eh Jen?

It's 3 a.m. and I'm supposed to be making a sincere effort to change my time schedule back to here in Arizona, but I am still on Hong Kong time I am afraid. It's 6 pm Sunday there right now. I am feeling very awake, and will have to melatonin myself to sleep in a few minutes. Today I slept until 3:30, uh oh. But hey, it was only 6:30 a.m. in HK!

Funny that when I arrived there in Hong Kong I never did suffer jet lag. Arrival sushi at Dozo, a drink at Le Jardin, and a bit of dancing to 80's music and the Beatles at Insomnia, and I was all hooked in to HK time. I think this trouble to adjust now in AZ is indicative of my strong desire to still be there (but have Rio with me, of course). Not very psychologically complex for a "mensa" girl, but I've gotten rather used to being a psychological emabarassment to myself.


GET IT?! In the photo I'm in a GAP? Oh, hell, never mind.

"Please mind the gap", for those of you not well-versed in MTR-ese, is what the woman's voice says every time the subway in Hong Kong (the MTR) doors open, gently reminding you in that British sort of way to not let portions of you or your loved ones fall into the crack between the train and the platform. I came to love her little caring phrase, and it still plays in my head. ..

The name of my blog, Adventures Out on the Twig - you groaned about the title, my friend, but it cracks me up at the reality of how my life feels these days. So groan some more, there is no escaping it now.

A blog makes the most sense for what I love to do - write, take photos, travel, meet people, think deep thoughts, think really shallow but witty thoughts, think waaay too much, laugh with others, and keep in touch with a broad variety of friends in a vast reaching of places who tend to prefer some or all of the same activities as those listed above. Let's see how this goes...